Wellbox ‘S’ Slimming & Anti-Ageing Device Review

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Wellbox® [S] cellular stimulation is a 100% natural, non-invasive and non-aggressive method. The micro-aspirations of the different Wellbox® [S] treatment heads create a tissue wave capable of gently stimulating the skin. Now equipped with the new 16 Hz suction (16 suctions per second), the treatment heads reinforce the skin structure and reshape the contours of the body and face.

Wellbox: Features Summarised

It has big and small heads. Head #3 is the largest of the treatment heads. It is great for the thigh, stomach and any part of the stubborn body.

Smaller heads are for treating smaller areas of the body such as arms, chest, and face.

It has a level of suction, a level of micro-aspirations, and a timer from the device.

What You Need to Know

The device is for body slimming and helpful for face anti-ageing. It is an electric device that has different rolling heads for options on where part of the body you want to make it slim and smoothen.

How to Use

Step 1: Make sure your skin is clean and dry

Step 2: Select what level of strength you want to use

Step 3: For the time of the device, it will automatically default to 6 minutes, but you can reduce and increase it as necessary

Step 4: Use the rolling head depending on the part of your body you want to use.

Step5: Click the suction level and start rolling the head to your body.

Overall Design

Wellbox ‘S’ Slimming & Anti-Ageing is easy to use and light whenever you want to bring it somewhere. It’s great that it has instructions about the different rolling heads for the body and where to use them.

The nicest thing about the device is that it has an option where you can increase and decrease the suction level. And I love also the colour design which is white which shows the simplicity of the device.

Ease of Use

The device is easy to use yet expensive. With consistent use of the device, it will work like smoothen your body. Although the device is light it makes hideous sounds while using it but overall it is fine and worth the price.

Wellbox 'S' Slimming & Anti-Ageing Device

Results (Before & After)

The device is not as sturdy as it seems. Bits and pieces may receive some wear and breakage after continuous use. But the results are true and worth the price.

If there is one at home beauty device that you can use all over your face and body without needing any other device, then it has to be this one.

Wellbox: Is it Worth it?

For constant use of the device, you can see the difference after a few weeks. It is helpful for those people who don’t want to go to the gym to have excessive exercise. It is worth it for the price from the device itself down to its manoeuvres and a few weeks of use.

Wellbox ‘S’ Slimming & Anti-Ageing Device Review
Reader Rating76 Votes